About Brimble Studio

A bit about me

Hello, I'm Jo Brimble! I live in Somerset with my husband and 2 young daughters. I create all the fun, wonderful, characterful pieces you will see on here. I started from a desk in my bedroom, later we built a small studio shed in our garden in early 2021 and now I have a decent size studio in Somerset. Random facts about me include I lived in a Jazz pub for a bit, my husband is a brewer but I don't drink beer, I lived in Atlanta, Georgia for a few years a child and I'm a big Hocus Pocus fan.

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The story of Brimble Studio

My journey with ceramics started with a Mother’s Day present,
some hand building evening classes and wow, something ignited in me! I felt
like I could spend the rest of my life exploring my ideas with clay.

 A few years later I was made redundant, and I thought – let’s
go for it! Brimble Studio was born from a small desk in my bedroom in January

Of course, then Covid hit! I, like so many others desperately
needed something positive, some form of escapism. This fed into my work and
continues to do so to this day.

As long as I can remember I've always drawn faces and loved creating short stories. So to bring these two things together felt very natural to me.

Each character I create comes with its own back story from
Hector the Strong man of the circus who is emotionally intelligent and a great listener to the scandalous Greta.

 I’m a firm believer that objects deserve more personality,
and we all need a bit more fun!


I use a mix of techniques including painting slips, sgraffito, glaze application, sculptural elements on hand-built structures to create my characters. I really love hand-building because it gives you the freedom to explore any shape. Each piece is meticulously hand-painted and hand made so every one is completely unique.